Friday, June 1, 2012

Science: Who were the Wright Brothers and what was their first glider like?

This NASA video describes how the Wright Brothers used the scientific inquiry in learning to fly.  It will demonstrate how their first plane worked.  It discusses pitch, yaw, and roll.

Subject:  Physical Science
Grade Level:  6-12
Length:  4:18

Science: What is weather prediction?

This NASA film will discuss how scientists predict the weather and why it is difficult to be 100% accurate. This video also has a section on the different cloud types out there.

Subject:  Science-Meteorology
Grade Level:  5-12
Length:  5:53

Science: What is the Sun and how does it generate energy?

This NASA video describes what the sun is and what it is made out of.  Part of the discussion is about sun spots and solar flares.  They do a great job showing actual video and talk on a younger grade level.

Subject:  Astronomy
Grade Level:  3-12
Length:  3:27

Science: What are the Northern Lights?

This NASA educational video discusses the Aurora Borealis/Northern Lights.

Subject:  Astronomy
Grade Level:  5-12
Length:  4:39

Science: What are Astronomical Units or AU when measuring distances?

This NASA video demonstrates how scientists compare distances between the planets and the sun using the measurement system, Astronomical Units.  They do a great job discussing scaling and why we use AU's as the measurement system when talking about our solar system.

Subject:  Science/Math-Measurement
Grade Level:  7-12
Length:  4:44

Math: What is the difference between the Metric and Standard measuring system?

This video was done by NASA education and discusses a little bit about the history of measurement systems.  It then moves on to our US standard of measuring and how to calculate distances using it.  Finally it discusses the Metric system and how easy it is to use and how to convert between meters and kilometers.

Subject:  Math-Measuring
Grade Level:  5-9
Length:  5:05

Monday, April 30, 2012

History: George W. Bush's thoughts on 9-11

This is a documentary and interview with George W. Bush give 10 years after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centers.

Subject:  US History
Grade Level:  7-12
Length:  44:59

Economics: What was the Great Depression and what were some of the Causes?

This is a documentary explaining the history just before the Great Depression occurred.  It does a good job showing actual footage and music from the time period.

Subject:  US History
Grade Level:  6-12
Length:  33:13

Economics: How does the stock market work?

This is an older cartoon video but does an excellent job explaining how the stock market works, using Oil Corporations as an example.

Subject:  Economics
Grade Level:  5-12
Length:  9:13

Science: What are some environmental risks of volcanoes?

This is a news report that FOX news did during 2010 in which a volcano kept air travel from being productive. They brought on a Physicist to discuss environmental issues related to volcanic eruptions.

Subject:  Earth Science
Grade Level:  7-12
Length:  6:11

Social Studies: What is a savings account and how do I open one?

This is a British video about the importance a savings account is, what it is, and why you should have one.  They did a pretty good job creating this video and keeping it on a younger grade level.

Subject:  Finance
Grade Level:  3-12
Length:  2:42

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Science: What are the 5 senses?

This video comes from the Hi-5 singing group.  If you need to get your little ones up and dancing while learning their 5 senses, then this video would be perfect.

Subject:  Biology
Grade Level:  k-3
Length:  2:18

History: What was it like to live during the Great Depression?

If you are looking for a video that will bring your students to a better understanding as to what life was like during the Great Depression, then search no longer.  This video comes from the National Archives in which they have different survivors of the depression tell their stories.

Subject:  American History
Grade Level:  6-12
Length:  27:47

History: How did the Aztec gain their power?

This is a historical video that discusses the rise to power of the Aztecs.  In the video you will see images of sculptures and scenery of the past and hear the history of the Aztecs.

Subject:  History
Grade Level:  6-12
Length:  9:36

Monday, April 23, 2012

Science: What are the processes of erosion?

If you are looking for a quick video that will describe erosion found in the mountains and show beautiful scenery, then you have found a good one.  This video show scenery from high up in the Oregon mountains and have excellent footage of erosion.

Subject:  Earth Science
Grade Level:  1-12
Length:  1:13

Science: How is copper mined, refined, and used by humans?

This is a pretty neat video that discusses how copper is formed and then goes on to demonstrate how we take it out of the ground refine it, and then tells shows us what how we use it.  It looks to be a composite of many different videos.

Subject:  Earth Science
Grade Level:  6-12
Length:  13:55

History: Who was Henry Ford?

This is a really interesting video about Henry Ford.  Most of the film come from the Henry Ford film collection so the film is authentic.  There are elements of this video that allow the viewer to peak into Henry Ford's personal and professional life.

Subject:  American History
Grade Level:  6-12
Length:  36:11

Science: What are different types of fossils?

This is an animated video that discusses many of the different types of fossils and how they are formed.  Some of the fossils in this video are: Trace, Mold, Resin, and Body.

Subject:  Earth Science
Grade Level:  1-3
Length:  2:39

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Social Studies: What was some of the aftermath caused by World War I.

Awesome video describing the aftermath of World War I.  This would be a great film to show at the end of a unit on World War I.  It describes much of the cause and effects that World War I had on the populations and a little bit about how it helped Hiltler get to World War II.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Science: What are population distributions?

This is an awesome video that can serve as an introductory to population distributions.  It talks about the three different population distributions:  aggregated, uniform, and random.  The video contains neat footage of animals and plants living in different locations of the world.

Subject:  Ecology
Grade Level:  4-12
Length:  3:51

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Science: What is the Muscular System?

Understanding the muscular system is important to any biology curriculum.  This flash animation discuss what the muscular system is and many facts about it that you might not have known.

Subject:  Life Science
Grade Level:  K-6
Length:  6:56

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Science: What about Mars?

In this educational video, scientists from Arizona State University, discuss a little bit about the red planet, what we know about it, and how we go about studying it.  Great introductory video for those studying Mars.

Subject:  Astronomy
Grade Level:  5-12
Length:  4:49

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Technology: How has technology evolved?

This educational video does an nice job just showing images from the past, present and future uses of technology.  Makes you think of where we are headed with our technology.

Subject:  Technology
Grade Level:  2-12
Length:  2:25

Monday, April 9, 2012

Science: How does photosynthesis work in plants?

This educational video does a great job explaining how plants take in sunlight and convert it into energy and food.

Subject: biology
Grade level: 8-12
Length:  4:52

Science: How do you tell which rock type you have. In your hands?

This guy does an excellent job using actual rock specimens to give you a simple way to identify the three types of rock. Metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous. Even though there are always exceptions to rules in science, you will find out some characteristics of each rock type that will give you an idea of what type of rock you are looking at.

Grade level: 6-12
Subject: Geology
Length:  3:09

Science: Cobra vs Monitor lizard, predator prey

If you are teaching about how predators and prey interact then this video is awesome. It shows a monitor lizard and a cobra fight and defend themselves while trying to eat eggs. Great introductory video.

Grade level: K-12
Subject: biology
Length:  1:15

Science: How does food nutrients get into the blood steam?

Here is a pretty cool animation that demonstrates the beginning of the digestive system and how the nutrients from your food actually get into the bloodstream.

Subject: Biology
Grade Level: 4-12
Length: 3:03

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Science: What are the types of lava flows?

This educational science video shows some of the different types of lava flows. There really aren't any word in the video, but it has some excellent quality photography. If you are discussing lava in the classroom, then this video would be an excellent introduction.

Subject: geology
Grade level: K-12

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Science: What is Jupiter like?

In this video scientists will visually demonstrate how big and what Jupiter is like.  Very easy video to understand without too much scientific jargon that might confuse younger students.

Subject:  Astronomy
Grade Level:  4-12
Length:  7:30

Science: How do deep sea fish adapt to the darkness to attract prey?

This scientific video from BBC is really neat.  It shows a few different types of fish that use luminescence to attract prey and obtain their food.  Really cool.

Grade Level:  k-12
Subject:  Life Science
Length:  2:19

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Science: What is soil?

This is a rather long video, but very well done.  If you are teaching about soil this video will describe it and how soil affects the growth of plants and how soil is created.  There are many Soil Scientists that are brought in to tell your class all about soil.

Grade Level:  5-12
Subject:  Earth Science
Length:  29:56

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Science: What is the aquatic food web like?

This is an interesting video that describes some problems with the aquatic food web that contains certain types of trout.

Subject:  Life Science
Grade Level:  7-12
Length:  2:34

Friday, March 30, 2012

Science: What is the digestive system and how does it work?

This scientific educational video visually explains the digestive system.  It does so by show how a piece of food goes throughout your body and ends up as waste.

Subject:  Biology
Grade Level:  6-12
Length:  1:49

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Science: How big is our Earth compared to the sun and other stars?

You have probably all seen the images out there on Google that show how small the Earth is compared to different planets and suns.  This is a video that kind of takes you through that picture.  It is very well done.

Subject:  Astronomy
Grade Level:  k-12
Length:  3:00

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Science: What are the planets in our solar system?

This is an interesting educational video created for the younger students.  It is an animation and song that describes the sun and the eight planets.  It does skip poor old Pluto, which I refuse to believe he no longer is a planet.   The song is slow and easy.

Grade Level:  1-3
Subject:  Astronomy
Length:  4:19

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Science: What is a pulley and how does it work?

This educational video is done by Bill Nye the Science Guy.  This 6 minute segment does an excellent job discussing how pulleys work and why and where we use them.

Subject:  Physical Science
Grade Level:  2-8
Length:  6:08

Monday, March 26, 2012

Math: What is the denominator?

This is a cute and simple song that explains what the denominator in a fraction is.

Grade Level:  1-4
Subject:  Math...Fractions
Length:  2:47

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Science: What is photosynthesis?

This video discusses the questions, "What is photosynthesis?"  It is done using rap which I am not a big fan of, but its descriptions of photosynthesis and the visuals it uses are really good.

Subject:  Life Science
Grade Level:  7-12
Length:  3:21

Friday, March 23, 2012

Science: How do land animals breath?

A brief educational video discussing how land animals take in oxygen through the respiratory system.  It will animate the breathing process.

Subject:  Life Science
Grade level:  3-6
Length:  1:44

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Social Studies: How do I become an entrepreneur?

This is a really short video about how to become an entrepreneur and discusses what an entrepreneur is.

Subject:  Social Studies
Grade Level:  4-12
Length:  1:28

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Science: What is the life cycle of a plant?

In this elementary educational video, your students will learn what the life cycle of a plant is all about.  It will discuss, pollination, seed germination, and photosynthesis.

Grade level:  1-4
Subject:  Life Science
Length:  5:29

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Science: What is sound?

This educational video quickly and visually describes what sound is and goes into a little detail about what frequencies are.

Grade level:  2-5
Subject:  Physical Science
Length:  0:37

Monday, March 19, 2012

Science: What is soil and why do we need it?

Here is a very well done elementary educational video discussing the importance of soil.  The University of New Mexico created it. They use vocabulary that is easy to understand.  The video will discusses what is found in soil and how it is important to humans and animals.

Grade level:  1-6
Subject:  Earth Science
Length:  14:26

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Science: How small are atoms?

Bill Nye demonstrates how small atoms are in this educational film.  Your students will find it interesting to see that most of everything is actually empty space and that the nucleus of the atom and it electrons are really spread out.

Subject:  Physical Science
Grade Level:  4-8
Length:  6:37

Saturday, March 17, 2012

History: What were some causes of World War I?

This is a two part video describing events in Europe that lead to the beginning of World War I.  It is an older video, but contains quite a bit of actual clips from the time period.

Subject:  World History
Grade Level:  6-12
Length:  8:42 and 7:49

Friday, March 16, 2012

Science: How do predators and prey interact and help form the food web?

This video would be a great one to use if you are going to introduce the food web and predator/prey relationships.  It has some great footage of animals chasing each other around.

Subject:  Life Science
Grade Level:  4-12
Length:  2:40

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Social Studies: Who was Leonardo Da Vinci?

This is a well told history of the life of Leonardo Da Vinci.  After your students watch this they will get an excellent idea of the struggles and successes of Leonardo Da Vinci.

Subject:  Social Studies:  World/Art History
Grade Level:  6-12
Length:  14:56

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Science: What causes seasons?

This educational video discusses how seasons occur by using some pretty good animations and graphics.  In this video you will learn about the rotation and revolution of the earth.

Grade Level:  3-12
Subject:  Earth Science
Length:  6 Minutes

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Social Studies: What is the Liberty Bell?

This educational video discusses what the Liberty Bell is and symbolizes.

Grade Level:  6-12
Subject:  American History
Length: 4:26

Monday, March 12, 2012

Science: What are the three types of rocks?

Tim and Moby do an excellent job in this educational animation, describing the three types of rocks, igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rock.  The discuss a general description of the rock cycle as well.

Grade level:  2-7
Subject:  Earth Science
Length:  2:05

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Science: What is voltage, resistance, and current?

In this educational video, Grandpa John does an excellent job explaining voltage, resistance, and current.  He uses a series and different types of light bulbs for his demonstration.  Very easy to understand.

Grade Level:  3-12
Subject:  Physical Science
Length:  1:59

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Science: What are the processes and functions for living things?

This video describes the 7 functions and processes of life:  Movement, Sensitivity, Respiration, Nutrition, Growth, Excretion, and Reproduction.

Subject:  Science (Biology)
Grade Levels:  3-12
Length:  4:52

Unfortunately not all videos allow you to embed them into blogs and website you just click the link and it will take you to Youtube where you can view this video.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Social Studies: What was the Manifest Destiny?

This video demonstrates and discusses what the Manifest Destiny is.

Subject:  US History 1800-1860
Grade Level:  4-12
Length:  3:32

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Science: How does the scientific method work?

Scientists go in great into great detail when going through the scientific method to come up with a theory.  Elementary students just need the basics as to how the scientific method works.  They don't need a thousand steps that I think sometimes teachers make their students learn.  It is simple really, observe, hypothesise, experiment, observe your results, and then come up with a conclusion.  Sure scientist may have to revise their hypothesis and test again or add a variable to the experiment to see if they get different results, but I think for the elementary student, this video show enough steps to getting them started.

Subject:  Scientific Inquiry
Grade Level:  3-7

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Science: What is light?

I think I remember seeing this video when I was a kid, but don't worry.  It discusses what light is and how we actually only see objects that either emit or reflect light.  Even though it looks to be an older video the science is sound.  

Subject:  Physical Science
Grade Levels:  K-4

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Science: What is the Scientific Method?

This video come from a Youtube channel that I subscribe too called "WhatYouOughtToKnow."  The presentation isn't very visual, but he does an excellent job bringing comedy to his topics and explanation.  In this video he discusses what the Scientific Method is, how it works, and how scientists use it or ought to use it.

Subject:  Science Inquiry
Grade Level:  6-12

Monday, March 5, 2012

Science: Who was Charles Darwin?

Here is a really quick video about 5 things you might not have known about Charles Darwin, the father of evolutionary theory. It doesn't go too much in detail about his life but it does show some aspects of his life that you probably didn't know.

Subject:  Science/History
Grade Level:  3-12


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Science: What is the respiratory system?

This is a very short but excellent video that quickly goes through the different parts of the respiratory system.

Grade levels:  7-12

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Science: What is a fossil and how does it become one?

Here is an awesome video that visually explains what a fossil is and how it became one.  Very well done for the lower grade levels.

Grade Level:  K-4
Subject:  Earth Science
AZ Standard:  G3.65.C1.PO4

Friday, March 2, 2012

Social Studies: What is US Debt?

Here is another great video from Epipheo on Youtube who does an outstanding job explaining to younger audiences what things are.  In these two videos he does an excellent job visually discussing what "debt" is and ends with what the US debt is all about.  Take a look and learn something new with your students.

Grade levels:  4-12
Subjects:  Economics and Social Studies

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Social Studies: Leap Year

Find out why leap year happens every four years and at the beginning of every century.  This video goes through the history and science of why leap year happens and some other cool things that you might not know.

Grade Level:  5-12
Subjects:  History, Science