Friday, June 1, 2012

Science: Who were the Wright Brothers and what was their first glider like?

This NASA video describes how the Wright Brothers used the scientific inquiry in learning to fly.  It will demonstrate how their first plane worked.  It discusses pitch, yaw, and roll.

Subject:  Physical Science
Grade Level:  6-12
Length:  4:18

Science: What is weather prediction?

This NASA film will discuss how scientists predict the weather and why it is difficult to be 100% accurate. This video also has a section on the different cloud types out there.

Subject:  Science-Meteorology
Grade Level:  5-12
Length:  5:53

Science: What is the Sun and how does it generate energy?

This NASA video describes what the sun is and what it is made out of.  Part of the discussion is about sun spots and solar flares.  They do a great job showing actual video and talk on a younger grade level.

Subject:  Astronomy
Grade Level:  3-12
Length:  3:27

Science: What are the Northern Lights?

This NASA educational video discusses the Aurora Borealis/Northern Lights.

Subject:  Astronomy
Grade Level:  5-12
Length:  4:39

Science: What are Astronomical Units or AU when measuring distances?

This NASA video demonstrates how scientists compare distances between the planets and the sun using the measurement system, Astronomical Units.  They do a great job discussing scaling and why we use AU's as the measurement system when talking about our solar system.

Subject:  Science/Math-Measurement
Grade Level:  7-12
Length:  4:44

Math: What is the difference between the Metric and Standard measuring system?

This video was done by NASA education and discusses a little bit about the history of measurement systems.  It then moves on to our US standard of measuring and how to calculate distances using it.  Finally it discusses the Metric system and how easy it is to use and how to convert between meters and kilometers.

Subject:  Math-Measuring
Grade Level:  5-9
Length:  5:05