Monday, February 17, 2014

Science (Ecology): How do wolves affect the food web and change rivers?

This is an excellent video about how the absence and reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone affected the Yellowstone food web and even change the behavior of rivers.  Now you might be wondering as I did, how in the heck can wolves change the behavior or the Yellowstone rivers.  The images in this video are very beautiful and your students will enjoy this short video.  If you are teaching some ecology in your science classroom then this video is for you.

Subject:  Science (Ecology)
Grade Level:  5-12
Time:  4:33

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bill Nye-The Joy of Discovery

Bill Nye recently was involved in a debate on the topic of creation.  MelodySheep, a Youtuber, created a "mashup" of some of what Bill Nye said at the debate.  Whether you believe in a Higher Power or not, what he said about the Joy of Discovery is awesome.  It is the joy of discovery that makes every human being a scientist.  We explore, test, hypothesize and form conclusions.  Watch this video with your students to see if they agree with what was said.  The images and videos attached to this video are beautiful.

Subject:  Science
Grade Level:  5-12
 Time:  1:55